Description of Programme
This is a 9 months intensive professional study programme in Development Studies that prepares participants to acquire competence in development studies using an interdisciplinary approach to embrace work in the development field from a broad perspective.
Programme Structure
The HTDDS curriculum is divided into three phases;
- The Rural System Analysis ( RSA) Phase
- The Action Oriented Research (AOR) Phase
- The Specialized Development Course (SDC) Phase
Each phase blends theory with practice by combining lectures with practical work in the field. The total workload necessary to obtain an HTDDS is expressed as 120 credits.
Phase 1: Rural Systems Analysis (RSA) (Duration - 4 Months)
The overall aim of this phase is to expose participants to development as a discipline; enable them gain practical understanding of the complexities of issues in rural communities; identify problems facing rural communities; and propose practical solutions to these problems.
Phase 2: Action Oriented Research (AOR) (Duration – 2 Months)
The overall aim of this phase is to enable participants undertake individual action oriented research on a case study with the hope of solving a specific identified development problem. During the study, each student will be supervised by the institute’s teaching staff.
At the end of the phase, participants’ case study/ research reports are submitted to be graded by duly selected external examiners.
Phase 3: Specialized Development Course (SDC) (Duration - 3 Months)
The aim of this phase is to enable participants acquire knowledge and skills in the following six areas of specialization.
- Project Planning, Management and Evaluation
- Peace, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance
- Human Resource Management and Development
- Gender, Analysis, Planning and Development
- Community Health and Medical Outreach
- Disaster Risk and Humanitarian Response/ Management
- Community Development
- Gender And Peace Building
- Gender And Project Management
- Security Management and Criminal Profiling
The SDS course is offered three times a year, and individuals interested in obtaining a certificate in any of the specialized courses can enroll at any of the sessions as follows;
1st session: January - March
2nd Session: April - June
3rd Session: August - October
On completion, a certificate will be awarded.
Any person who has obtained an SDC certificate and is interested in earning an HTDDS can enroll on the HTDDS programme for the 1st and 2nd Phases if they meet the minimum requirements for admission to the programme.
Programme Objectives
The theoretical part is designed to:
Build knowledge and perspectives in the various dimensions of development and management.
Equip participants with creative, critical, and analytical skills.
Develop the oral and written communication skills of participants.
The Field work:
- Builds participants’ skills in community studies and research equipping them with practical experience in the applications of participatory rural appraisal methodology.
- Provides participants an opportunity to experience rural life, adapt and cope with field realities and also empower communities to address their development problems.
Programme Methodology
The HTDDS programme emphasises highly participatory training methods including group discussions, field work, case studies. These methods build on experiential learning, which is designed for students to draw on their practical experiences. Consequently, theory constitutes the smallest part of the package
Target Audience
- Personnel of community –based organizations or those working in this subject area in international agencies or in non-governmental organizations concerned with development.
- Public service development personnel wishing to expand their knowledge of various aspects of development.
- Individuals intending to pursue careers in teaching and/or research or practice in the general field of development or the specialist areas offered as optional subjects.
Career Opportunities
Graduates go on to careers in development agencies and other international organizations, government institutions and the non-governmental sector.
Graduates can also become entrepreneurs in the civil society sector
Commencement Date: October every year